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Rainforest Plants – Chanca Piedra

Tony Mandarich

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Genus: Phyllanthus

Species: niruri, amarus

Common Names: Chanca piedra, quebra pedra, stone-breaker, arranca-pedras, punarnava, amli, bhonya, bhoomi amalaki, bhui-amla, bhui amla, bhuianvalah, bhuimy-amali, bhuin-amla, bhumyamalaki, cane peas senna, carry-me-seed, creole senna, daun marisan, derriere-dos, deye do, erva-pombinha, elrageig, elrigeg, evatbimi, gale-wind grass, graine en bas fievre, hurricane weed

General Description: This plant is a small herb growing up to 12 to 18 inches high. This annual is indigenous to the rainforests in the Amazon and other regions in the tropics. This plant is unusual in that it is shaped like the liver, the organ it is healing. This plant is also grown in southern India and China. In India, Chanca piedra is called Budhatri, and is a common remedy for asthma, bronchitis and coughs.

Uses: This plant is an herbal medicine used throughout South America as the first choice remedy for gallstones and kidney stones. Chanca means “to break” in Quechua and piedra means “stone” in Spanish, thus the name ‘stone breaker’. Chanca Piedra is also called “leafflower”, “chamberbitter”, and “quebra pedra” as well as less common regional names.

This plant is a traditional herb that supports normal liver functioning; that is, it assists the liver in removing (detoxifying) harmful substances. It is also a tonic for the intestinal system and is effective in creating an intestinal environment that does not support parasites. Stone breaker gets its name from generations of Amazon tribal use people indigenous to the Amazon rainforest discovered Chanca Piedra treated kidney and gall stones. Chanca Piedra is grown in the rainforest where it has been used by Peruvian healers for centuries.

Disclaimer: The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Any reference to medicinal use is not intended to treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

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